BELT TESTING 7/27/2019

I have been busy since the belt test but last weekend 7/27 a six of my students tested for their belts and all did well.

  Nyal West tested for gray belt and killed it.  Nyal has been putting in a lot of time on big blue in the adult class and it shows in the way he absorbs information.  He picked up all the material he was having problems with in two review classes.  I was proud to finally wrap a belt around his waist.  As much as I tease him, he is one of the best students to come from our program, He is incredibly smart on the mat, understands his strengths and weaknesses and how to exploit his strengths more then a lot of adults I train with.

Always looking smooth!

   Felix Hatten also received his gray belt.  Felix is a natural at Jiu Jitsu and had a really easy time when he tested for grey white.  Testing to solid gray was a bit more of a challenge, he really had to cram in some trainings as he was unable to get to the review classes.  He did a pretty good job testing, but even more special it was good to see him do well when pushed in a stressful situation. 

He is a bit of a goofball but one of my most technical athletes

   Mike VanEvery tested and received his solid gray belt.  Mike has been struggling through adult classes, He is at the tweener age where he isn’t quite and adult but definitely isn’t a kid.  He has struggled with self-confidence since I have known him.  I thought he was close to quitting a few times.  He was determined to pass this test he came to my review classes and put in the time.  This was his best test by far.  I hope this is a sign for times to come.  Seeing him confident in what he was doing made my day. 

Good to see the kid smiling and achieving.

    Jovan Bocanegra is one of the last of the old guard to receive his gray belt.  Jovan was young and started back in the day before we split class by ages.  Jovan has struggled a lot of times leading up to this belt test.  He recently had a birthday and really seems more mature.  He was focused and tried his best to learn all the techniques.  He has really come a long way from where he tried to act like the class clown to cover up the fact, he was scared to try his best and fail.  It is tough that so much of his family is involved at the gym.  He has finally developed his own personality and it is great to see.

He has been in the program longer then me, it is truly great to see him achieve what he has.

    Lilly Roberts leveled up to gray white belt and up to the next row.  She did amaze on the test and really nailed every technique.  It helps that her brother is probably the most dedicated student I have ever coached.  That doesn’t mean that she didn’t work because she sure did.  Her brother made her start training and I am not sure how into it she was.  In the last few months she has really developed into one of the better kids in practice.  I have watched her go from doubting herself on almost everything, to be a confident martial artist, and young women. 

See has gone from the awkward no confidence kid to becoming the confident assertive hard working student she is today

    Last but far from least Jaina Dumas. Jaina struggled leading up to the test.  One thing I love about Jiu Jitsu is we don’t give belts away. Jaina wanted a gray belt bad and she went to work to get it.  She took privates with coach Matt came to all the review classes and worked her butt off.  She passed the test with flying colors.  Watching her work chasing her goals was inspiring and is a great life lesson.  She worked hard and earned her belt.  She got emotional when I tied the belt around her waist, and I was truly proud of her.  This was a great example for what martial arts can teach children and Jaina will be better for it.  

There is nothing I can write that shows how proud of what she accomplished that can come close to the emotion in this picture.

  I want to throw out a huge thank you to Dakota for helping out during belt testing and belt test review.  Coach Matt was unable to make it due to family commitments and professor dub was out of town with the fight team.  Dakota stepped up and helped me with the Belt testing and I really appreciate it.

Thank you Dakota you are a shining example of what the kids program develops!

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